Six puppies are born!

Thursday, March 2, six puppies were born; 4 boys and 2 girls. They are all healthy; mom and puppies are doing very well.
Dam: Saya (Dakini no Shinwa go Yukiko Kensha)
- HD A
- Patella 0/0
- ECVO clear (2022)
Sire: Tenshô (Ch. Shizen no Tamashii Getsuga Tenshou NJK BundesJugSgr’19 DEJugCh’19 HCW’21 GW’22)
- HD A
- Patella 0/0
- ECVO clear 2022 (note Distichiasis/Ectopisch cilie 2020)
The color of the puppies are dirty red.
No puppies available! Click here for more information about the procedure for a puppy.
We breed according to the rules of the Raad van Beheer and breed clubs NIPPON INU and NVAI.