Shun is pregnant!

Echo 32 dagen

Today pregnancy was confirmed by ultrasound. At least 4 puppies were seen. So, at the end of March Shun wille be a mommy again! We can’t wait for her next litter to arrive.

Female: Shun (Waka go Chiisana Kitsune)

  • HD A
  • Patella 0/0 normal
  • ECVO clear


Male: Basho (Bashou no Sei go Yukiko Kensha)

  • HD A
  • Patella 0/0 normal
  • ECVO clear

The puppies will be black & tan (like Basho) or dirty red (like Shun)

Interested in a puppy? Here you will find the request procedure for a puppy. 
When the puppies are born we will contact future puppie owners. By then we know what color an sex the puppies are.

We breed according to the rules of the Raad van Beheer and breed clubs NIPPON INU and NVAI.